As high-tech life sciences production and research centres establish themselves throughout the UK, is control of business rates keeping pace?
This is an exciting time for the futuristic new world of life sciences. As incubator units move out of universities into production units, the volume of start-ups has more than doubled in the last decade. Rental growth has quickly followed, rising by 63% since 2017. Rents of £55/sq ft are not uncommon and have already reached £95/sq ft in London.
A consequent hike in business rates is certain.
Commercial Property Advisors (CPA) is focusing on this key economic area and offers to apply its very own research data to assessing whether high-tech business units may qualify for a highly profitable formal rates challenge. This complimentary and forensically detailed service means the highly-specialist world of life sciences is left free to concentrate on pioneering forms of research and production, while remaining confident that business rates are not unfairly high.
To take advantage of CPA's transparent no win, no fee terms, and for further friendly help and advice, contact CPA without delay.