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  • Writer's picturedavid Tanswell

If business rates are broken, how do we fix them, and save the high street?

City Metric is right to point out the out-moded and unjust burden  business rates place on the high street. Its suggestion that the UK moves to some sort of progressive tax amalgam of land value, property, and turnover, is not without merit.

Like many good ideas, the UK government will probably (eventually ) get round to this kind of reform. 

But what should hard-pressed traders do in the meantime?

The sheer speed of business closures dictates that firms cannot wait for change to come form central or local government, not least since business rates have become a snide way of replacing revenue support grants as a means of financing local services.

Commercial Property Advisors (CPA) believes that one approach to reducing  traders' costs is to be found in effective challenges to business rates. Its team of friendly and experienced professionals takes care of all necessary paperwork including surveys, on a no win no fee basis.

There is an old adage that it is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. Reducing the burden of business rates could point to a brighter future, particularly for independent firms. 

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