Commercial Property Advisors (CPA) , specialists in reducing business rates for a diverse range of clients nationally, notes that the (ever-increasing) multiplier , which accounts for the apparently never-ending rates rises, takes account of the revenue lost through successful challenges and appeals. Under-valued assessments, and modernised premises also contribute to extra rateable value.
So, challenging business rates is not something to be feared, nor is it unexpected, given the broad brush with which the Valuation Office Authority (VOA) is obliged to paint.
However, in order for challenges and appeals to be successful, with their promise of substantial financial awards and favourable future revaluations, CPA is convinced that the services of an experienced and RICS-regulated consultancy are vitally important.
CPA offers free consultations on a no obligation basis, and undertakes to complete the complex paperwork , backed up with forensically-detailed surveys where appropriate, on a no win no fee basis.
CPA's competitive charges are transparent, and agreed in advance. They are payable only on a successful outcome of the appeal.
Somewhere in the vast sums collected annually in business rates is a pot set aside for successful reviews of individual demands. Is your business up for the challenge of unlocking the coffers of the billing authorities?