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With the return if business rates, now is the time to reduce your bill

The government has changed the rules, for businesses trying to claim business rates relief, via a "Material Change of Circumstance", due to the adverse effects on trade of the pandemic.

To put matters simply, government has been overwhelmed by the hundreds of thousands of firms seeking financial compensation as a result of Covid. Consequently, it has:

-restricted the funding pot to £1.5bn, and

-devolved decision-making to local authorities, and

-plans to re-introduce rates bills, on a tapered basis, come June,2021.

What does all this mean for business?

Commercial Property Advisors (CPA) recommends that all firms, whether they be on or off the high street, engaged in hospitality or manufacturing, wholesalers or office-based, put themselves in the hands of specialists in winning business rates reductions.

A successful challenge will be permanent (and back-dated), as the unwelcome June deadline of rates bills approaches.

Reduced rates will help to future-proof firms, as government prepares once again to feed its cash-cow, business rates, a vital source of revenue, particularly when the nation's economic books urgently require to be re-balanced. We would do well to remember the adage, that nothing is more certain than death or taxes!

It makes sense for businesses to seek help from specialists in the complex area of rates appeals. CPA offers a proven track-record in winning substantial savings for its diverse range of clients, throughout the UK. Its no win no fee service is complemented by the assigning of a Personal Advisor to its clients who will be kept aware of all developments , from professional surveys to reports of how the appeal is progressing.

To ensure that you maximise your chance of a successful appeal, contact CPA for a free no obligation consultation. Without delay. With the return if business rates, now is the time to reduce your bill.


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