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Will coronavirus affect business rates?

One salient feature emerging from the coronavirus crisis is the need for increased public spending, not least to support high levels of unemployment.

Traditional ways in which government control spending have already been half-flogged to death.

Thus, austerity cannot inflict further pain without massive public reaction; and  council tax is becoming an unaffordable burden for many.

Business rates are still an Aunt Sally, for politicians eager to raise revenue which is easy to collect and hard to avoid. Above all, it is worth £30 billion a year, at present levels.

A shift of the rates burden from the high street is not workable long-term.

 The threat of higher rates bills is still looming on the horizon. How can firms meet the challenge?

Commercial Property Advisors (CPA) urges all businesses to prepare for the new ratings list in 2022, by having their present rates demands professionally re-examined.

Substantial savings can ensue, with four-figure rebates common, and a more secure rates base with which to face the financial future.

CPA's service is worry-free. 

All paperwork necessary for an appeal,including surveys, is undertaken by CPA on a no win no fee basis, and subsequent competitive commission is on a no win no fee basis.

This relative quiet before the storm of the 2022 rating storm, would be wisely spent in challenging the historic burden of business rates, and thus reducing overheads in a financial spring-clean.


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