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Why your property’s rateable value might change

Calculating rateable values can be complex and perplexing due to the ever-changing property market landscape. Hiring a specialist business rates advisor is crucial to navigate the nuances of this process. Rateable values represent the annual rent a property could have been leased for on a specified date. Revaluations are conducted to align these values with fluctuations in the property market. Local councils then use an agreed multiplier to calculate your bill and apply eligible reliefs, such as small business rate relief.

It's important to note that an increase in your rateable value doesn't guarantee a corresponding rise in your business rates bill. Revaluations aim to balance the total amount of business rates paid by redistributing the burden among businesses based on their market value performance. Delving into the Rental Property Market

Out of the numerous properties valued, a significant portion relies on rental evidence analysis for similar properties. To ensure fairness, all rateable values are founded on market values at a single, legally-defined date, known as the Antecedent Valuation Date (AVD).

With the next revaluation set for April 2023, new rateable values will reflect changes in the rental property market between April 2015 and April 2021. Rents are collected and analyzed at the AVD to compare similar properties, considering market factors like supply and demand.

Understanding Your Property's Valuation

Physical factors such as location, property type, size, and layout significantly impact valuations. Changes in the local area, like new housing developments, can also affect the rateable value of your property.

When Little or No Rental Evidence is Available

Alternative methods are employed for properties with limited rental evidence or those not driven by profit. The Receipts and Expenditure method is used for properties like hotels and cinemas, while the Contractor's Basis is applied to establishments like hospitals and libraries. These methods account for factors like construction costs, land values, and decapitalization rates, set by the relevant government authorities.

Keep Your Property Details Up-to-Date

Your valuation may change outside of a revaluation period due to alterations in your property, such as extensions, changes in space occupancy, or different property usage. Ensuring accurate and current information about your property is vital for a precise valuation.

Partner with a specialist business rates advisor to navigate the complexities of rateable values and safeguard your interests. Let the expertise of professional advisors be your guiding light in the intricate world of #businessrates.


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