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The high street is not dead yet, say online retailers

There are encouraging signs that online retailers are seeking a physical presence on the UK's high streets.

Perhaps encouraged by Waterstone's return to profitability, Amazon is planning to open physical bookstores, following its experiment in Seattle.Online furniture specialists and are also opening retail units, acknowledging customers' needs to inspect products at close range, before buying, rather than going through a pc. And with more than half of customers being out on delivery day , online retailers are increasingly dependent on click and collect services.

Commercial Property Advisors (CPA) shares this cautious optimism that the high street can change and adapt, in order to survive. Providing, that is, that business overheads, particularly business rates (inflation-linked, and often out of date ), are under control. CPA urges everyone selling goods or services , to consider their no win no fee  offer to have their business rates re-appraised. 

CPA responds promptly to all enquiries for help and advice, and is keenly aware of the growing queues of appeals to the VOA.

Why not contact CPA today- before the backlog of appeals becomes too long?


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