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Post-pandemic office space will offer opportunities for business rates savings

As office-based businesses strive to encourage a return to work, post-pandemic, many consultations have taken place, to establish what employees most value in their workplace:

  • Encouragingly, younger employees offer least resistance to the prospect of returning to the office. (The limited appeal of Mum's kitchen table, and inability to socialise, are obvious).

  • More generally, workers do not want to return to the serried ranks of "hot-desking", but are requesting more quiet spaces, private areas for retreat and calm, coffee areas, and more fresh air.

What has a return to the office to do with business rates?

Commercial Property Advisors (CPA) , specialists in winning business rates reductions for a wide range of clients nationally, is convinced that changes in office space can offer solid grounds for a formal, evidence-based challenge to currently high business rates. At stake are thousands of pounds in savings and rebates. regardless of whether a full or partial return to the office is planned.

Nothing is to be lost by CPA's free detailed survey by RICS- accredited surveyors, and a free formal; appeal to the rating authority.

And CPA's competitive and transparent commission rates, agreed in advance with the client, mean that no fee is payable until savings have been safely banked.

You are invited to have your re-vamped office space professionally appraised for purposes of revaluation, by requesting a no obligation consultation with CPA today.


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