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Online sales tax- why the delay?

Commercial Property Advisors (CPA), specialists in reducing the burden of business rates, notes with dismay the slippage involved in the government's reaction to calls for a digital sales tax.

Government's delayed response , while at the same time re-introducing a tapered business rates liability for physical stores, is a double blow to retailers struggling to survive.

CPA sides with Tesco in tis calls for an online tax, and disputes claims by the British Retail Consortium that the tax would bear heavily on operations with both a digital and bricks and mortar presence.

Nor is CPA impressed by Amazon's claims to be already paying its proper share of tax, and creating new job opportunities.

CPA believes it is highly unlikely that government will abandon business rates, collection of which is efficient and highly profitable.

As we continue, in the real world, to seek any area of cost reduction, CPA is keen to help businesses, on or off the high street, from retailing to manufacturing, hospitality and entertainment. It offers free professional advice on prospects for mounting a serious challenge to the billing authority.

As we wait for what seems like an age for any governmental relief, CPA's worry- and cost-free services can generate thousands of pounds in rebates and savings, its modest commission only paid in the event of a successful outcome.


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