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How to reduce your business expenses without paperwork worries has produced an invaluable compendium of ways in which businesses, particularly independent retailers, may save their hard-earned cash, ranging from the best utility deals to the smartest use of telephones.

Commercial Property Advisors (CPA) would respectfully add another tip to the list: challenging the bill for Business Rates. 

Small to medium enterprises just do not have the time or experience to complete the complex paperwork, including surveys, which must accompany any appeal for a rating revaluation, and they are unfamiliar with the criteria (such as change of use) necessary for an appeal to be successful.

CPA will undertake all administration on a no win no fee basis.Its young and enthusiastic team have achieved an enviable track record of wins for their varied clients, and will respond promptly to any requests for help.

With the prospect of substantial sums of cash unlocked in this way, retail and other high street businesses have everything to gain from revaluation of their rates.

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