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Has your business been adversely affected by re-design of the street scene?

As we slowly emerge from lockdown, and our shopping centres, urban and suburban, are struggling to win back customers, local authorities  are accelerating schemes to re-design our streetscene.

However commendable it may be to introduce green spaces, one-way systems, pedestrianisation and communal meeting areas, retailers may find the transition period deeply problematic.

This is the very time when business rates may be successfully appealed, in recognition of lost sales, and Commercial Property Advisors (CPA) offers a bespoke, professional, no win no fee service, including surveys. 

CPA's success rate, for a wide range of clients, has saved businesses thousands in rate rebates, besides placing their affairs on a sounder footing in the future.

More than ever before, firms are looking to save money, and lower rates are a key component of good financial management.

Contact CPA today for a free consultation.


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