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Government presents minor changes

CPA have often commented on the fact that the government likes to show they are helping the struggling sectors, but that their actions tend to be minor changes that don't really solve the problem.

Yes on paper it is a good thing that this change will help some retailers, some but not all! It is still the same issue that some but not all will be helped and the aid being given has not been thought through. Any sole trader with a shop under a £12,000 rateable value automatically receives rates exemption through small business rates relief, so really this will only help shops with a rateable value between £12,000 and £51,000. This leaves out the larger retail units whether they be the largest retailers such as Debenhams, or smaller companies who have larger shops. Nothing short of a change in the way that the retail sector is assessed in the first place will help the competition with the online giants. Don't hold your breath.

The full article can be seen at:


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