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Do your business premises contain a residential element? Check your business rates!

When establishing a firm's liability for business rates, the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) is obliged to paint with a broad brush, meaning that individual detail can be overlooked.

A veterinary practice provides a good example: 'live-in' accommodation is invariably included in the overall footprint of the business. Its inclusion in the VOA's calculations means the practice is over-paying its rates bills.

To establish an up to date picture of your business operations, doubtless much changed since the start of the pandemic, consider engaging Commercial Property Advisors (CPA),specialists in appealing rates for a diverse range of clients.

Using sophisticated data, and the services of RICS-regulated surveyors , CPA will examine in forensic detail the criteria on which the VOA bases its valuation. If matters proceed formally to 'Check' and 'Appeal', this is dine free of charge, CPA's competitive and transparent fees only payable in the event of a successful outcome.

Contact CPA today for free help and professional advice. And remember that the VOA will only offer financial rebates if so requested by you, or your consultant, acting on your behalf.


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