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Business rates reform: businesses need expert help more than ever

Commercial Property Advisors (CPA), while always striving to protect business from excessive rates, has nevertheless consistently cast a realistic eye over government statements.

Where is Rishi Sunak's promised plan for the reform of business rates? Is he waiting for the more appropriate date of Halloween?

In an ideal world, Commercial Property Advisors (CPA) would hope that the Chancellor spares non-domestic ratepayers further pain by concentrating his fire on online retailers and their licence to print money.

However, the early auguries are not good. Pundits predict little radical change to lucrative business rates, beyond a more realistic reflection of property values via more frequent rating valuations. The rumoured downside is that businesses will find it increasingly hard to challenge and appeal their rates bills. Even more ominously, experts fear that the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) will employ only desk-top valuation of properties, avoiding the tried and tested "tape measure" approach.

All this emphasises the benefits of engaging the services of specialist consultants who depend on successfully navigating the complexities of Check, Challenge and Appeal for their daily bread and butter.

CPA' offers a professional service of proven success, with RICS-accredited surveyors meticulously examining every property's details, and employing sophisticated databases , when challenging a company's bills.

This is a free service, CPA's transparent terms are based on a no win no fee approach.

Moderate commission, only becomes payable when the savings (often considerable) are safely banked by the client, whether retail, commercial or industrial.


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