ITV News is right to point out the injustice of business rates, which weigh up to six times more heavily on the high street than on on-line giants like Amazon.
Yet proposals for an online sales tax would not of themselves help the high street to cope with its own rates bills. Nowhere is it explicitly stated that increased tax for the on-line economy will be offset by an equivalent reduction in traditional business rates in the high street. At its worst, an online sales tax merely "equalises misery" for the consumer, in the form of higher on-line prices, while failing to address such problems as a rate of town centre vacancies currently nudging 10%.
Commercial Property Advisors (CPA) offers the realistic prospect of reduced business rates, through professionally composed appeals to the VOA.
CPA's success rate in saving thousand for its clients, is testimony to its strength and experience in taking over all complex paperwork, including surveys where necessary, on a no no fee basis. CPA's enthusiastic team keeps its clients apprised of developments at every stage of the appeals process.
CPA looks forward to responding promptly to all requests for advice and help.