At midnight on March 29, 2019, Brexit negotiations will end, and the UK will leave the EU (barring time-limited extensions).
Is YOUR business ready for this dramatic change?
ALSO looming large on the horizon-just TWO DAYS after our scheduled exit from the EU , is the Antecedent Valuation Date, on which the 2021 non-domestic rating list ("the 2021 list") will be based.
UK ports and airports spring to mind, as being most likely to undergo a "material change of circumstances" (as defined in para 2.7 of Schedule 6 to the Local Government Finance Act 1988), on which any rate reductions must be based.
But ports and airports will not, in our judgment, be the only enterprises likely to suffer an adverse change of circumstances which should properly trigger a favourable re-assessment of their non-domestic rates. Hotels, import-export businesses, even restaurants may also be affected in a "physical" ,"manifest" manner, set out in the 1988 Act.
If you consider YOUR enterprise to be affected by Brexit, please contact Commercial Property Advisors for a free, professional assessment of any grounds for appeal you may have against your rates bill. We will undertake the appeal on your behalf.
For more details contact us
0117 325 1520