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Grade A warehouses need Grade A business rates

Recent rises in business rates for the logistics and distribution sector strongly suggest that it is being used to fund lower rates in areas such as physical retailing, which are struggling.

As experienced consultants in successfully challenging rateable values, Commercial Property Advisors (CPA) is confident that its detailed and statistically persuasive formal reports to the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) can identify areas of "padding" rateable values with inflated estimates, glossing over factors such as mezzanine floors, cold storage, rest areas, or canopies.

CPA's detailed investigations are led by RICS-regulated professionals, and supplemented by state-of-the-art datasets, to secure for the client sizable savings. Agreed and transparent commission is only payable once the client has benefited from savings in rates bills.

To keep control of business rates, at a time when warehousing is viewed by the VOA as fair game, contact CPA for further help and advice.

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